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The R3





revolutionary protection

Resisting ankle roll is the

most important factor of

ankle brace performance.

R3’s protection is unmatched.

It’s provides more than twice

the ankle roll resistance at half

the weight of other top braces.

"Wearing ankle braces should be viewed the same as wearing knee pads, shoes and socks"


Head Volleyball Coach

University of Arizona

Sleek design of the R3 Sport Ankle Brace is pictured here. Features a mechanical strut that wraps from lower shin down and over to the outside bottom of the foot, top strap secures around the upper ankle, and lower strap creates a figure-8 around the low ankle and under the foot


the Difference

Preventing ankle injuries by enhancing and protecting the ankle’s natural “roll resisting reflex” (R3) is paramount.

The R3 Ankle Brace doesn't compromise normal motion, footwear fit or athlete performance in providing you the best chance of avoiding injury.

Professional athlete LeShun Daniels Jr is pictured wearing his Washington Redskins NFL uniform in 2017, holding 2 footballs and lookng through the mask on his football helmet

LeShun Daniels, Jr

University of Iowa & NFL Running Back

The R3 helped me regain confidence after a high ankle sprain. I ended up rushing 1,000 yards that season at Iowa. 

Jade Turner looks fierce and yet calm in her senior photo from University of Arizona's Volleyball Roster 2017

Jade Turner

Middle Blocker University of Arizona Wildcats

The R3 protected me for

two seasons at the most

ankle injury prone position

in team sports. You don't even know you have them on, until you need them.

Volleyball Coach Tim Nordensson is pictured mid-game gesturing to his Arizona Wildcats players

Tim Nordensson

Head Juniors and Assistant

D1 Volleyball Coach

The R3 Ankle Brace has saved several of our kids from injury. This brace works well and the kids really like it.

Other Unique Products



At Protekt Motion we are not only experts in performance solutions for rapid recovery and injury prevention -  we are also parents, coaches, teachers, athletes, friends and family.

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MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: Individual results may vary. Protekt Motion does not dispense medical advice. The contents of this website do not constitute medical, legal, or any other type of professional advice. Information related to various health, medical, and fitness conditions and their treatment is not meant to be a substitute for the advice provided by a physician or other medical professional.

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